My Hero Academia September Common Ground League Results and Decklists

Dan GreenOctober 15, 2022
grand archive league results sept 2022

Our first Common Ground Format My Hero Academia CCG League has concluded on the Maindeck discord, and we’re happy to bring you all lists from the top 4 players once again! This was the final league of the Set 2 – Crimson Rampage metagame, and of course due to the Common Ground format it features some interesting card choices and decks!

As a reminder, here were the rules for our stab at Common Ground. Our rules varied just slightly from what’s been run by Jasco for MHA CCG in the past, as we simply wanted to experiment a little with varying what decks can be played!

Maindeck Common Ground Format

  • All non-character cards in your deck must have a printing with specifically Common or Uncommon rarity. (Starter Exclusive (SE), Rare (R), Ultra Rare (UR), Promo (P), and Secret Rare (SR) non-character cards are not allowed unless a version of that card has been printed at Common or Uncommon. XRs of Common/Uncommon non-character cards are allowed.)
  • Character cards of any rarity are allowed, allowing SE and Promotional characters to be used.
  • All other My Hero Academia format legality rules are followed (cards that are normally banned or have errata remain that way.)

With the basic rules of the event covered, let’s move on to the coverage!

Our ability to provide prizing for these events is supported by our friends at Legendary Wolf Games – make sure to visit them for your TCG needs, including first edition boosters of the latest expansion, Set 3 – Heroes Clash!

Just like before, we’ll go over the champion of the event, and then provide the decklists for the top 4 players by ranking. To view the full final standings, visit the league results on the Maeframe!

Our champion for this league was Lord Grim#6035, who froze the competition with his Todoroki 2 under the Water symbol! With a series of last-minute games on the final day of the league, Grim concluded his run entirely undefeated, cleanly claiming victory with 2 more wins than any other league player!

Torodoki 2 has seen only a few moderate successes at high level events in the regular My Hero Academia format, but Common Ground can be a very different beast. Without high powered rares and URs, your character’s ability to make your attacks relevant can play a much larger role, and Todoroki 2 can take any single attack and make it feel like an UR each turn. In addition, the ability to pick back up Momentum can let Shoto strategically reuse his best attacks in a format where your card power falls off much more quickly due to the smaller pool of available options. The lineup we see Lord Grim using is clearly focused on setting up that inevitable victory – focusing on attacks with card pool stuffing, guaranteed damage and the ability to reuse them with Shoto (using cards like the 4-of Making a Stand to attempt to remove the opponent’s benefit from his on-character momentum pickup power).

In a format where Nomu has reigned supreme before, it’s refreshing to see this Shoto list utilizing a totally different approach, and it will be interesting to see what Heroes Clash brings to the table for this fan-favorite casual format.

Click here to see Lord Grim’s champion decklist in full detail!

Lord Grim'sShoto Todoroki 2 - Water
60 cards

Jadaph#0333 took second place in the event, and was the only top four player who took advantage of our unique exception allowing Character cards of any rarity with Earth Kirishima 2!

Kirishima 2 is, of course, a rock-solid character (pun intended) who has had some solid top placements in provisional events earlier in the season (we even ran an article about how to play and tech against him!). In Common Ground, Kirishima 2 definitely gives up a little bit, being unable to run Texas Smash, a powerful attack that takes advantage of his natural hand advantage to create late-string dunks, as well as his favorite foundation, Homage to my Hero. What this means is that K2 just doesn’t have the same damage numbers that he does in the regular format, but that doesn’t negate the power of his twice-per-turn ability or the potency of the rest of the Hardened kit that remains playable (minus the rare Hardened Chop, of course). Plus, K2’s natural ability to face tank one attack per turn is a great idea to counter Nomu decks that try to prey on other Common Ground decks with raw damage output.

Props to Jadaph for their successful experimentation with our twist on the usual Common Ground rules! You can get their decklist in all its glory right here!

Jadaph'sEijiro Kirishima 2 - Earth
68 cards

Third in the final standings (by tiebreakers alone!) was Luczifer#2104, who sped past most of their opponents with Gran Torino’s lightning speed.

Gran Torino is a character that has always felt just slightly underrated – on the surface, he’s got both a method of picking up guaranteed attacks, as well as a way to attack your opponent’s hand. Under the void symbol, Luczifer really leverages this once again using Kirishma’s strong C/UC attacks as well as Torino’s own kit, which of course is well suited to his need to manage his resources carefully to be able to throw multiple attacks. I like the addition of the Iida attacks in here as well which provide solid stat buffs to make sure Torino’s attacks are still able to threaten the opponent. With Amphibious out of the format, the most powerful “ready this foundation” effect is gone, and cards like Small and Limber have a chance to shine a little more with characters that can readily utilize them to gain ground in resources (that is, when you aren’t playing K2 who feels like he gets to cheat with his resources every turn!). I’m sure Luczifer got to enjoy taking advantage of this engine, and how well it plays with the attack lineup as well!

Rev up your own engine by checking out the full list right here!

Luczifer'sGran Torino 1 - Void
63 cards

Finally, our fourth place player, by circumstance of simply having the lowest tiebreakers of our three evenly-matched players in the top 4, unholycanoli#0928, showed off a Shigaraki build on Fire that obviously performed very solidly for them!

Shigaraki is a character who is easily pegged as a solid play in Common Ground. His ability to drain 5 when an attack connects is reminiscent of the power of Nomu, and as mentioned earlier, helps take your Common and Uncommon cards and elevate their power to feel more like the most powerful cards in the full format. Decks that are not prepared to play full defense against Shiga are facing a clock of inevitability, and under Fire, unholycanoli’s build is ready to exert their defense abilities until they can guarantee an attack makes it through. Iida’s kit provides the hand advantage needed through Recipro Extend and Calling for Backup, and Flying Thruster Kick ends up playing really well with Corrision Lunge, Extend, and Shoto 2’s Ice Gliding – as well as its own EX, of course – to provide a 2nd or 3rd attack that has a very high chance of connecting. And in typical Shiga fashion, as soon as an attack has connected, unholycanoli would be free to end their turn, play defense, and strongly punish the opponent for trying to crack back with Shiga’s block response and useful blocks like Half-hot Ignition – which is nicer in Common Ground where Breaker is harder to come by!

Even though Set 3 will decay away some of the value of this deck, you can click this link to peruse the list and build off of it for your Set 3 (and beyond) Common Ground concoctions!

unholycanoli'sTomura Shigaraki 1 - Fire
53 cards

And that’s it for our decklists today! I hope you all have found something useful in these lists and breakdowns. We have some incredible players in our server and an amazing community, so if you haven’t joined yet, come on down and enjoy both camaraderie and competition in the Maindeck discordOur next League, where Heroes Clash will be legal, begins on Monday, October 24th! We hope to see you there!

Of course, another huge thanks go to Legendary Wolf Games for helping provide the prize packages for this event. The crew there are the biggest supporters of some of our favorite games, and if you are looking to pick up singles or sealed product, they’re a great shop who can hook you up with what you need!

See you all in the next top 4 breakdown!

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