Our first My Hero Academia CCG league – sponsored by our good friends at Legendary Wolf Games – was an absolute banger, with 67 enrolled players and bonus giveaways every week!
We were very excited to provide some international players – who just started receiving product for the game – an outlet to play competitively, as time zones are not always friendly for the full-day online tournaments. That’s one of the great benefits of our league structure, and it was definitely seen here – our top 4 included multiple players from outside of the US bringing their own spice to the table!
We’ll go over the champion of the event, and then provide the decklists for the top 4 players by ranking. To view the full final standings, visit the league results on the Maeframe!

The league champion for this event was Weeb Fit#7594, who powered through with one of the hot new Crimson Rampage characters, Fourth Kind! Fourth Kind is an extremely potent 5-hander who can give you a huge reduction in playing your 4th card during each of your turns, the ability to reuse an attack used to block each turn, and a devastating once per game that can clear the way for a string of attacks or a game-ending Indiscriminate Shock 1,300,000 Volts.
Weeb Fit’s sideboard notably includes Searing Glacial Storm, a clever sideboard tech against an opponent who decides to fight Fourth Kind’s stunning by building well past deadlock. This can reset the opponent back down to a manageable amount of foundations to then try to push through on the following turn.
In the upcoming tournament season, Fourth Kind decks are definitely one to watch out for, and learning how to play around his tanky blocking and stunning techniques will be a top priority for many tournament grinders. Check out the list in the image below, and head to the link (or click here) to see it and read through the cards on UVS Ultra!
Weeb Fit'sFourth Kind - Order
Second place was held by jin456#7800 who said they started playing their Nomu deck (under Death) in the Carta Magica weekly events and haven’t been able to put it down. Powered by the new Howitzer Impact Cyclone and using a range of attacks from Nomu’s, Bakugo’s, and Eraser Head’s kits (and, of course, Pillar Swing), this 63 card Nomu deck is actually greeding a little on attacks with an attack ratio that’s just slightly higher than what you typically see – which makes sense, as Nomu needs as many attacks as he can get to string together a take down before the opponent can stop him.
If you are interested in hearing more about the list, check out jin456’s video on the decklist to get their full thoughts! It’s a good day for Nomu memes with his 2nd place finish, and, indeed, this means the top 2 in the league were both true 5-hander characters!
jin456'sNomu - Death
Smashing into third place was Lord Grim#6035, who impressively racked up wins over the first couple of weeks with only access to set 1 (being an international player!). Lord Grim said they played their Good All Might II list the entire time, but modified it with Crimson Rampage when they were able to get their hands on it in the middle of the event. As such, the list is heavily influenced by what they had access to – but despite that, there are plenty of great card choices here, and they backed it with solid enough play to bring them all the way to third place in the event!
The core of this deck is clearly the Kirishima kit and the 4x Texas Smash. Texas Smash is a card that can pack a boat load of damage but can also eat into your options to form an attack string (or to hold up defense after stringing). However, the Kirishima kit, when combined with All Might’s momentum-based card draw, helps All Might generate enough cards to push strings to their damage limit. Crimson Rampage also added Small and Limber, a nice tool for any deck leaning on the Kirishima kit that helps make it a fairly reliable extra resource.
Lord Grim'sAll Might - Good
Finally, our fourth place contender, Jadaph#0333, chose to show off their take on everyone’s favorite sticky, purple wall: Mineta II on Water! Because league games have no time limit, it allows grindier decks and games to take place. This is a concession we make in order to allow freedom and flexibility in scheduling games – but one additional advantage it provides is a nice place to test your skills when matches become wars of attrition. And that’s certainly what happens with Mineta II!
This deck does exactly what you expect – packs a load of throws and a load of defensive tools. Mineta II tries to be the pinnacle of attrition – stop everything and throw attacks that deal guaranteed damage until you eventually win. Jadaph didn’t pack only Throws, though – there are a couple of Tongue Whips in there, which can both play as techy pool jammers and late string haymakers when he can sense the opponent is in a perilous position. And, of course, any of these throws can become juicy enough when Creepy Realization is used on them, and that makes Tongue Whip a perfectly good attack to throw both early or late in a string.
Jadaph'sMineta II - Water
And that concludes our Top 4 for our very first My Hero Academia League! I want to extend huge thanks to everyone for coming out and making the league a great success. I heard a lot of players saying they had a fun time getting to play games when it worked for them, and our international community was pleased to be able to be included – and we were happy to provide the space!
Of course, another huge thanks go to Legendary Wolf Games for helping provide the prize packages for this event. The crew there are the biggest supporters of some of our favorite games, and if you are looking to pick up singles or sealed product, they’re a great shop who can hook you up with what you need!
Our next league has already begun – a second Grand Archive Prelude league – and we’ve got more to come in the future! Make sure you are in the Maindeck Discord so you can get in on the action and keep up with our events – and we’ll see you there!