DBSCG Deck Profile: Red/Yellow Competitive Budget Bulma

Mike PiperOctober 29, 2020
NEW DBS Deck Profile thumbnail bulma

Hey DBS fans! In likely our last deck profile before we start adding the amazing new cards in DRAFT BOX 06: GIANT FORCE, Mike’s bringing you all another awesome COMPETITIVE BUDGET deck, this time focused around everyone’s favorite Capsule Corp princess – Bulma!

Bulma can be an absolutely infuriating leader to play against with a nearly endless stream of blockers, and Mike’s Red/Yellow build keeps the Saiyans flowing with the SS4 Goku/Pan package, cheap arrival plays, and SS3 Goku, One Hit Wonder to create both a huge offensive board and a total defense when needed!

Check out our previous competitive budget decks, including Green/Yellow Ginyu and Red/Yellow Beerus!

With each new set, the Dragon Ball Super Card Game gets more great options to power up older decks. While many are checking out the new hotness, at MetaManiacs, we like to count on Mike to show us how to build cheaper, but still powerful decks using older leaders and strategies! Keep swinging back every week to get more great ideas for rogue or budget DBS TCG decks – and more great strategy and content for the DBS Card Game!

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